Convenience and excess of food is what society provides, while also preaching deprivation by calorie cutting. These are competing concepts. What are we to do to stay healthy?! Fully Fueled Fitness offers real solutions to this conundrum. Let me show you how to use food as fuel, select the most nutritive options, and EAT LIKE A HUMAN. The right food can assist in fat loss, increased muscle, hormonal regulation, and the control of chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, anxiety and depression, and autoimmune disorders.
Exercise, exercise, exercise – is what we are told to do to lose weight and get healthy. Guess what, “exercise” is not a human movement! There are seven basic human movements that define how a human body moves and interacts with the real world. These movements will create a body of appropriate shape, size, and strength. Fully Fueled Fitness offers real solutions to make you fit, strong, mobile, and free of excess body fat and chronic pain.
Advances in technology have made much of our daily lives more convenient, yet we live more stressful lives than ever before. Constantly, our environmental input and our reaction to it tells our brains – you are running from a predator! This, my friend, increases cortisol, and provides a message to your body to store fat (specifically belly fat) and to decrease muscle. Further, our sleep is poor, keeping us from recovering fully. What bad habits do you have in your life that put you in fight or flight mode, disrupt your sleep, or result in cravings for sweets and comfort foods? Fully Fueled Fitness can assist you in changing these bad habits and incorporating excellent life skills to combat the onslaught of stress.

Choose Nature’s Best
Nature’s best includes the education you will receive from Dr. Kerry and Fully Fueled Fitness. Choose wisely.
“Keep moving. Keep climbing. Keep the faith. It is all about THE CLIMB!”
“Forgive yourself; learn from mistakes; make better choices.”
“What is your super-power? When you look in the mirror, and you see that person looking back at you, who do you see that nobody else can see?”
“When life gets you down, get back up. Life is a Turkish Getup.”
“Love the journey!”
“If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing YOU can be.”
“The best time to improve your health was 20 years ago. The next best time is now.”
“80% of your body composition is a result of what you eat, not how much you exercise.”
“I want to move from being consciously incompetent to being unconsciously competent.”
“Our souls are searching for simple”
“Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive; I have a precious human life; I am not going to waste it.”
“Goals are individual, not universal. Just because someone can run farther, lift heavier, go longer, or is thinner, does not mean your effort is not valid. So, work hard for you! Work hard for your own goals! Progress will come.”
“The larger the base of a pyramid, the taller and stronger it can be built. Build your base. Build it wide. Build it solid. Build it strong.”
“Who do you want to be?”
“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”
“If you have health, you probably will be happy; and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.”